The perfect end to a dismal day! I came home to find a package from Joanns waiting for me. It was HUGE! I opened it up and pulled out my SWIFT!! The swift itself was in a small box, I don't know why they put it in the bigger box, unless it's cause it was an unusual shape (long and skinny).
Anyway, I immediately tested it out with a hank of Cascade 220. As you can see, it fit nicely. And from the expandability of the swift, I know that anything I buy will fit on it. The cats and I spun it around and were surprised at how nicely it glides. OK I was the one that was surprised, they only wanted to poke their heads between the spokes to check it out. Apollo was pretty happy too cause now he doesn't have to painfully hold the yarn while I wind away.
And check this out. This is how it looks when it's folded up. Pretty small!
Oh yeah baby, bring it on!! Now I can wind lace yarn in confidence!!
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