OK I think I've finally knit up the last swatch for Faythe. I threw in a few extra's I thought she might enjoy, including a small bit of Bamboo and some Lamb's Pride. I'm blocking and drying felted swatches in the bathroom where the cats won't find them. For some reason, they refuse to walk on the sink counter. This is an obvious safe place from cat terrorizing. Tomorrow I'll post my amateur review of the KnitPicks yarn I purchased along with some photos. Now that I'm done with the swatches I can start on my next real project.
Speaking of next project, today I called Two Sisters and Ewe, a yarn store in La Mesa. Their website isn't working and I was getting a bit concerned. You know how it is with small businesses and in particular a yarn store - I thought they might be out of business. Thankfully they're still there and are working on their new site and possibly a new domain. ANYWAY, each fall they offer Christmas stocking classes. I think this would be a great opportunity for me to learn to knit intarsia or some other "second color" type method. Carol, the lady that tought me to make mittens, will hopefully call me back with an update on the class.
One of the owners, Jane, also mentioned something about a Knit for Cancer scarf dealy on October 23rd. Now, I was also working with a customer so I wasn't really listening (surprise surprise) so I'm not sure what it's all about. But if it's fund raising or will help someone out in anyway, I'll definitely be there. Besides, who needs an excuse to get together with a bunch of other cackling hens?

I ordered a swift today from Joanns, thanks to Anne's advice about coupons (see earlier posts). I know it's pretty nerdy but I'm pretty damn excited about it. I mean, no more hours upon hours spent untangling and breaking lace yarn!! No more cats grabbing carefully layed out piles of lace and running freely with it as if it were a kite! No more aggravation! Once I get this bad boy home (it's much cooler than it looks in this photo) I'll order a yarn ball winder. Dude. I'm gonna be the cool kid on the block. HAHAHAHA!
I can't wait to get the swatches! I'll be anxiously waiting for the package!
Nerdy?! Not at all! Congrats on your swift and soon-to-be-ordered-ball winder! I'm so envious. I don't know if I missed the post, but did you felt Elizabeth already?
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