Thursday, April 20, 2006


Kris and Sara Everson from Missouri admitted last week to fabricating a story about the birth of their sextuplets. Apparently they made up the whole story, including details such as how their babies were critically ill and in intensive care, etc, just to get money from generous sources to pay their bills. But after all surrounding hospitals denied knowing anything about these people or their babies, authorities became suspicious and ended up slapping the Everson's with stealing by deceit, which could get them up to seven years in prison.

How they were intending on keeping up this charade is beyond me. I mean, in the end you're going to have to produce six babies, right?


Jen said...

I think instead of 7 years, they should get 7 babies that they have to raise for a year.

aimee said...

LOL - I agree with Yaya!!