Yes, I'm thankful for the hours, don't get me wrong. I guess I need some time off. Or maybe two days off in a row.
My bitterness may have something to do with this.

Note; many, many red lights = stopped traffic. OK so I whine about it a lot to my friends but SHEESH! It's weird, one day the traffic may be light, another day obnoxiously heavy. It can take me anywhere from a half hour to an hour and a half to get home, depending on the highway temperament.
So yesterday I went to Fashion Valley Mall to get some shampoo. Yes it's true. Shampoo. Other than yarn and my cats, hair products are one of the things I spend way too much on. Nothing is too good for my hair!! I managed to purchase a bag of Aveda products. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit how much but let's just say it was enough to make me want to buy into their points award program. I'm aiming for the European trip, baby!!
On my way out of the mall I noticed these two machines sitting off to one side. The one that caught my eye is on the left.

That's right, MILK! I've NEVER seen a milk machine! Have I been living under a rock or is this a new phenomena??

I was going to buy some for the experience, but at $2 a pop, I decided I'd rather take a swig out of the ol' jug at home.
Today on my way home from work, I made a stop at JoAnn's to pick up some Cotton Ease. Another blogger in the San Diego Knitter's ring mentioned the JoAnn's on Midway has Cotton Ease that's marked at full price, but is really $2.10 and consequently isn't selling well. So, I had to drive on over and see if they had anything good.

They have dark and light blue, lavender, red, mint green, orange, and yellow.
The sales girl told me they're reorganizing their yarn section. I'm sure that explains why this yarn was sitting on the floor in cardboard boxes.

These are a different version of those gigantic skein's I saw last month at a different JoAnn's. The salesgirl informed me they're being sent these colors randomly and they cannot guarantee that they'll have them again. Not sure if this is fact or fiction but if since I can't find the variegated pound o purple that Janet loves so much, I guess she might be right.
As I was pulling into my driveway, I saw a car parked in front of our parking area.

As usual, I took these pictures on the sly, so some of they may be blurry or have bad lighting.
Now, I've seen this lady before. She's often seen digging amongst the construction rubble next door, picking up who knows what. We assumed she was picking up pieces of medal or rocks or something. Well, it appears she's been stock piling large round stones and has come to pick them up.

What is she doing with them? She also had a tub she was using to put rocks in as she leaned over the wall.

I even peaked through the bushes trying to get a better shot.

Anyway, I'm perplexed. We've seen her there often, picking up little things, but we have no idea what she's doing. I guess I'll just have to ask her some day. :)
you don;t have a picture of her liecnece plate incase she's doing something wrong then you will have that for the copmpany to fall back onto. She maybe stealing the round rocks or whatever they are.
you don;t have a picture of her liecnece plate incase she's doing something wrong then you will have that for the copmpany to fall back onto. She maybe stealing the round rocks or whatever they are.
Errr. I am pretty sure that is totally illegal! Do the right thing and report her to the police. Look, you even have the pictures to prove it! Muuuuhahahah!
Do you know how much rocks cost? Check out home depo next time you are there.... they ain't cheap!
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