Monday, July 10, 2006

Morning surprise

I was up this morning at 6:30. Being my first morning home waking up at a normal time, both Adonis and I were surprised to meet up in the livingroom. He was pretty stunned but also happy to see someone. I spent a great deal of time giving him a massage and brushing him as he flipped around and purred loudly. Has such a cute little voice and sweet personality. I wish my cats would accept him. He seems to know their routine too. Around 7:30 each morning he runs to the cupboard and hides and stays there until around 11:00 each night.

This seems so cruel to me. I've been giving more consideration to my friend and her daughter who have asked about him yet again. They dote on all their animals and are a loving family. They have cats but supposedly their cats are really accepting. I may give her a call to see if it's a good match. I just feel so bad that a nice sweet cat like Adonis (who by the way, has not had any behavorial incidents such as peeing) is forced to hide out all day long. Apollo and I have already gotten attached to him and are having a hard time with this decision but also want the best for him.

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