Anyway, it's sorta like a Subway Sandwhich, except with healthy Mexican (ok, Americanized Mexican) food. You pick one of the three items you want to eat (burrito, fajita burrito, or bowl), tell them what kind of meat you want (beef, carnitas, chicken, steak), how much rice, which kind of beans, salsa, sour cream, cheese and joila! You're done! Check out the simple menu at the top:

Bins and bins of healthy food!

It's so tastey AND you don't have grease dripping down your hands while you eat it! So far I've tried fajita carnitas and a few bites of a steak burrito. I couldn't believe how good the steak tastes...very smokey! I've been living under a rock for years, so you guys probably know all about Chipotle's!
So I took some pictures. :) Hey, it's Hillcrest, I don't think much surprises people there! Seriously, even the people in the pictures didn't look up while the flash was going off.
On our way home, we decided to stop and get some juice. Standing outside Albertson's was this guy Apollo has talked to occassionally. If you don't know anything about Apollo, know that he's friends with EVERYONE he meets! You cannot take that man anywhere cause he's constantly stopping and talking to people. I've gotten to the point where I just walk off and leave him. I know he'll find me eventually, after he's finished talking to three or four people he knows. Anyway, while he was in the store getting the juice, I stood outside casually aiming my camera from the hip, trying to get a photo of this guy dressed like a pimp. (My stealth shots don't really show the subject very well, however it appears you can compare and save at Albertson's...good to know, good to know.)

Oh yeah, back to the pimp part. He was dressed in a purple suit, white shirt and orange tie and shoes! I didn't get any good shots, but I enlarged one anyway cause I wanted you to see a bit clearer exactly WHY I wanted to get his picture for you (yeah, I was thinking of you guys as soon as we drove into the parking lot and I saw him standing there).

It turns out he and his lady were waiting for a cab that wasn't going to show up for another two to three hours! I know this because Apollo stopped to talk to him on the way out of the store (of course!!). So, we ended up giving Mr. Pimp and his lady a ride home! It was upon this encounter I realized his purple suit had alligator texture. Wow...in my own car! And I didn't even get to take a picture!! These fuzzy shots will have to do. *sigh* However, Tee the mailman knows approximately where the wanna-be pimp lives so I just may have to stake out the neighborhood to get some other shots. I'm told that he ALWAYS dresses like this. FABULOUS!!
So after dropping the two off at their home, (I had a pimp in my car!!) we finally got to eat our burritos. Check out the size!

My stomach hurt until morning. But it was definitely worth it!
Saturday I made Apollo go to Michaels with me so I could use some 40% off coupons. I made him go through the line with a ball of Moda Dea Aerie yarn. He used to get embarassed but now he doesn't mind. *MU WA HA HA HA HA HA* He has fallen under my spell!! Or is it the spell of yarn? I bought three balls; light blue, dark blue, and cream and started knitting a drop stitch scarf on Sunday.

Note the net looking things that the yarn is in? They're Yarn Bra's. I've been using them for yarns that don't really take to center-pull balls. I do recommend these little guys! They keep the yarn in one place and from getting tangled up. They're also good for shoving a project in, along with the needles. You can find them at your local craft store or pull them off some fruit at your local grocery store.
I'm using a simple drop stitch to show off this yarn. You can sorta see the stitches here:

It is SO soft and luxurious. I started on it Sunday and finished tonight, Monday. I'll post pictures of it tomorrow. I'm very pleased with it and can't wait for a cold day to wear it (which is any day at the office).
Faythe and I have started a Scarf Club. Why not? It's not like I don't have enough projects to work on. Besides, scarves can be finished so quickly. Our first scarf project is The Jeans Scarf. The whole idea behind it is everyone has their own style and interpretation of what a particular scarf might be. Each has their favorite pattern, colors, type of yarn, etc. Some people like crochet, while others knit. I thought it would be fun to have a different theme each month (approximately) and compare what our interpretation of that theme is. Other friends will be joining in, and if it's OK with them, I'll post their pics here as well. I'm sure my favorite scarf will be the People Are Mean Scarf.
I cannot WAIT for more pimp pictures!! I hope you're able to stake out his house and get more fabulous shots.
And where does one even get an alligator textured purple suit?! I NEED TO KNOW! Is there a Pimps-R-us store around town?
Oh yeah, and what was his 'Lady' wearing??
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