Friday, November 11, 2005

Oh my...

Thanks to Laura for bringing this to my attention. It's an episode from Trading Spouses...this lady is not very Christianlike at all. Be sure you watch it all the way to the end.


Daisy Ditzy Do said...

You're Welcome :0)

Faythe said...

Someone's made a custom bobble-head doll of her, and it even says some of her more 'famous' quotes. It's on eBay right now, check it out...

Faythe said...

You know, that link didn't work. I'll just email it to you and Laura.

Anonymous said...

It's me "Alan" hahaha...

wow, and I thought the Christmas Tree from Down Under was unorthodox!! HAHAHA..

Dude, that lady made scared, almost literally, the JESUS out of me!! I felt like I was a sissy WORRIOR compared to her!!


HAHAHA.. thanks Laura for the clip. I saw the preview, but the TV was muted... but wow... good thing I didn't hear it at home or I would have prayed... BECAUSE I AM A PRAYER WORRIORRRRR!!!


funny the husband swore and they still took the money...