Monday, November 20, 2006

Holiday shopping and a woman for Jorge

Well, I think it's safe to say the holiday season is definitely upon us. Sure, we started seeing Christmas decorations way back before Halloween but it's just starting to get crazy out there!

Because we had one of those nifty 40% off coupons from Michaels, Apollo and I drove to three different stores before we found the lighted tree topper we wanted. Traffic was crazy! Crowds were nuts! Christmas decorations were already starting to get picked over! Obviously we were competing against a bunch of other rabid tree topper shoppers. With coupons! (Maybe I'm exaggerating.)

I started to get grouchy. I got a sales lady in trouble. In my defense, she refused to let me buy an ornament on one of the display tree's even though it had a price tag on it. When the store manager found out, the sales lady was told to stop being lazy. I got the ornament. Oh yeah, definitely, the holiday season is here.

In knitting news, with Jorge's heel well on its way I started on Mariposa, Jorge's mate, today. Aimee had a brilliant idea; she said I should give the socks to myself. With that in mind, I'm really looking forward to wearing them. I only have a few short months here in San Diego where wool socks are appropriate so this is perfect timing.

Oh yeah, and I started mapping out the pattern for Apollo's stocking. Shhhhh! He doesn't know! I decided to put a snowman on it using some really fluffy white yarn for the snow. And blue yarn. Nice and manly colors you see. Anyway, I'll definitely post updates since he really only reads my blog when I remind him.

OK, back to Mariposa. Oh, and good luck with that holiday shopping. I myself have turned to the internet for most of my shopping. Phew!

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