So, I'm just a temporary employee at *sensored*. Almost everyone in our gigantic cubicle has betta fish in assorted tanks and containers. Of course, they also have desks. (honestly, I'm not bitter) I sit at the "kiddie table" in the center of cubicle hell. Not that I don't appreciate my job. I do. They actually treat their employee's pretty well. There's the usual politics, arguing, power-struggle, etc. But overall, I enjoy it. Forget that our customers hate us and are threatening to sue (stupid people!)...but I digress. Back to the fish. Anyway...so I don't have betta fish at work. That's coo' with me 'cause I'd rather be an individual. Besides, I have two greedy betta fish at home. Instead of fish, I have "Lucky" (on the left) and "Howie."

Notice the brown kiddie table and my muy fashionable silver monitor. Dude,(heh heh, she just said dude) I'm just happy to have a table and a computer.
And a paycheck.
Good work on the beanie/mitten/scarf combo! Your plant is cute....I just bought a plant w/ red leaves for my desk at work. It's still at home waiting for me to transfer it to a slightly bigger and better pot. P-r-o-c-a-s-t-i-n-a-t-o-r.....
Just to let you know, my plant is still at home waiting for a transfer so that I can bring it to work.....Yeah, procastinator is my middle name.
Maybe I'll do it this week...
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