We gave notice on the first and are aiming at the third week in October. The plan is to get there before Halloween and before the roads get bad in Northern Cal/Southern Or because we're driving up. Yes, with two angry cats! It should be an adventure. Plus, since we'll be moving into a house in a real neighborhood, we're looking forward to seeing all the kiddies on Halloween night.
I'm excited about this new chapter in my life but it will be sad to leave my friends behind. Hopefully we will all continue to keep in touch through the magic of the Internets.

Apollo is looking forward to Oregon too. While the obvious change in seasons helped to win him over (we have two seasons here in San Diego: warm and fire season ), in the end it was my loving hyperactive genetically crazy prone family that clinched the deal.
I'm sure the next couple weeks will be stressful. Especially since I haven't gotten over my job yet. This morning I had a dream I was helping our new customer support people troubleshoot an end-users issue. I guess the reality of it all hasn't hit me yet.
Well, I need to get back to packing and throwing things away!
Photo taken at Mom's, January 2008.
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