So far we have tentative commitments to split costs in replacing two fences (one has already been replaced). One neighbor, who has also become a close friend, works in construction and is willing to help us slowly remodel our house. Another neighbor is a plumber and is going to help us find a hot water heater this weekend at a lower than market price. Yet another neighbor works with and has access to roofing material. This will come in handy since we need to fix a leak in our carport roof. Yep, I'd say we're pretty damn lucky.
Unfortunately, I don't have much to give them in exchange though I did offer them access to my knowledge of yarn and knitting. I'm sure you know how that went.

Here's a couple neighbors with Apollo discussing options for the yard, which we hope to take out and redo this spring. We had just finished cutting out a giant out-of-control rosemary bush that blocked the porch, two large rosebushes and some other unidentified bush; all planted too close to the foundation and requiring an axe to chop the tree-like roots. Note the ingenious hands-free method of holding a coffee cup.

You know the last time a large black man like apollo had on gloves that look like the didn't quite fit........... The neighbors are dead now aren't they!? It's okay your secret is safe with me. BTW, the pork looked awesome!
But the 100 dollar question of the day is.... Did your mom kill the pig?! Was it a wild one eating her vegetable garden?!?!
You know, I don't know where Mom got that pork. Hm.
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