Friday, October 23, 2009

Speaking of oddly shaped vegetables

Funky tomato


Lisa said...

Oh, my goodness. I was thinking of making some comment that would probably not make it past the spam filters, but in fact, what I first thought of when seeing that tomato was Wimpy! Wimpy of Popeye? I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today...

I do hope you know the Wimpy of whom I speak.... if not, google him and I think you will see what I mean.

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, Wimpy! Also,I think I know what kind of comment you were going to make. I didn't realize the spam filters would catch that!

Kath said...

Oh that's hilarious! But can you eat it with a straight face or will you be laughing too hard?

Sugar Pop Ribbons said...

Too funny! I think it will make a great gift! LOL!

Dawn said...

We had a yellow tomato that looked exactly like that. Of course the kiddos wouldn't shut up about it he he.

Baiterblog said...

Just seen it, and loved it...