I would have posted this last night after work but we had a power outage for five hours. Some people suggested it was because it was so cold that everyone was using their heat and the local electric company can't handle the overload. WELL. If they can't handle a bunch heaters turning on for a mere 48 degree's (yes, 48 f) then there's a serious problem! I eventually went to bed and hoped it would be on by the time I had to get up in the morning for work. I do think that "dark" is different in the city than in the country, if not only because there are still city lights around that make the electricity free areas look even blacker. Also because large business near by were out of electricity and people here in the gay-toh get crazy when there are no cameras or anything to remind them about the difference between right and wrong. Anyway, back to my original post...
Thursday I worked from Shawn's place. He and his roommate have a new puppy, Boomer. Boomer, a 12 week old bulldog puppy, is the cutest little thing...with many pointy teeth!

I totally forgot about Boomer until I saw her little face. Look! Look how adorable! Look at all her wrinkles, and that face! I think I got her a little riled up. It may have been related to all the kissing and snuggles or maybe even the high pitched voice I used when talking to her. OK I realize she doesn't look excited here. But believe me, this is her excited expression.

She's actually pretty small. She's shorter than my cat Simba, but much bigger around. Here she is with Shawn getting some lovin. All day long she suffocated Shawn by trying to lay on or next to him.

On my lunch break, I took her outside for a walk. It was at this time I learned the major difference between owning cats and dogs: warm poop in a bag.

I don't really think bulldogs are big fans of walking. It may also be because she's a baby. Either way, this issue was eventually remedied when Boomer realized my pant leg was a great toy.

There was quite a bit of growling and tugging going on. Check out the size of those paws! Her dad is 68 lbs...

I grabbed a stick and used it to entice her off my pant leg. She ate it, another stick and some leaves. Though she has a lot of teeth, most of them are tiny. Tiny but sharp.

When we got back in, Boomer wasn't done. She tried to chew on my laptop, cords, pillows, shoelaces....ok well anything that was in her field of vision. Thankfully Shawn had a whole slew of puppy toys for her to chew on. Despite the chewing, I still think she's cute. :)
Very cute doggie...
She is a cutie.... you know, she sort of look like Shawn and Chris...hehehhehee
OMG She is adorable! If they ever need a dog sitter, tell them about me! ;o)
That's the kind of dog I would get if I ever got an expensive dog. :) She's perfect! And a little crazy looking in that one picture...
Freakin' Adorable!
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