Tuesday, June 12, 2007

If Simba lived on the streets (and had a bigger head)...

Today I drove around town looking for an apartment for a friend when I ran into this guy. He marched down the sidewalk towards me as if he was on a mission. He's obviously one tough dude. You have to click for a closeup! I wondered if this is what Simba would look like if he lived outside. This guy even has freckles on his nose and lips just like Simba.


Brianna said...

he's very handsome. i have a thing for orange cats (don't tell my mom, he he). I'm biased b/c we had an orange cat for over a decade. my dad spotted him in a parking lot at work and the cat jumped in. he was a nieghborhood cat and everyone loved him.

Jen said...

Love the picture!

Stephanie said...

Funny, my mom has a huge crazy orange cat... named Simba!