Saturday, June 02, 2007

Cutest ice cream ever!

This evening Apollo surprised me with an ice cream dessert...

A tiny, cute Ben & Jerry's ice cream! On the right is the normal Ben & Jerry's, on the left is a medicine container to help gauge it's size. You can see a bit of the white spoon under the Cherry Gardia label on the lid. So cute! At 3.6 ounces, it was a nice treat. I wish there was more but at 200 calories, I don't really need it. (Damn you Ice Cream and your yummy creamy goodness!!)


Jen said...

Both Dave and I love Cherry Garcia, it's the best ice cream ever!

aimee said...

Hey, that's pretty cool! I know it's more expensive for the amount you get, but it's good for people like me who have portion issues. :)

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Aimee! And I love these little guys. One is just enough to stave off the craving. The have chololate chip cookie dough at the Albertson's by my house. Hagen Daas (sp?) also has them in vanilla!

Haven't been here in a while, so it's good to see that you are still bringing us all the good stuff!