That's right! Water! From the sky -- in southern California! *gasp* The ground was WET! Traffic was a nightmare. It took me an hour to drive 35 miles to get home tonight. But enough of that, on to tonights excitement!
Tonight we started up the latest James Bond movie
again when we heard a couple of loud banging sounds. Apollo jumped up, opened the door and looked out to see what the noise could be, telling me twice to stay inside. So I did the only thing a dutiful woman should do. I grabbed my camera and ran outside!
Some of our neighbors saw a car slowly drive away without their headlights on after hitting a car but we arrived too late to see them. Fortunately, a different neighbor looking out his window saw some of the activity and got a partial plate number.

While investigating the damage to one of the cars in the alley, Mac came out of out of his apartment, yelling that his bathtub was messed up! OK, well he didn't use these words but you get the idea. Tiles were literally knocked off the wall and lay on the floor and in the tub.

So we look on the other side of the building, and sure enough, the driver hit Mac's car with so much force, it had been smashed into the building!

He was parked straight in the parking space before the driver hit the right side of the car, pushing it to one side.

The fender and light have quite a bit of damage. Even the hood is buckled and has huge pieces of paint sticking straight up.

Mac is not a happy camper.

It only took the popo about 40 minutes to show up. I was afraid to take a picture with the flash, I heard they don't like that.

Big Mac surveying the damage with a flashlight. Since our landlords insurance is going to be involved, we're hoping the driver will get caught and damage to the Caddy will be covered. Poor Mac. He just spent $1400 on the car!
1 comment:
Damn! That's awesome! I mean, not for Big Mac or the building or his car, obviously, but that's some excitement!
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