Bad news: It seems I've miscalculated stitches needed for Apollo's sweater. This may also be an understatement. After knitting for a while, gauge changed and magically grew from 4.5 stitches per inch to 4 stitches per inch. It's also possible I'm seeing things. I will measure again later. I also transposed one of the numbers when measuring his pre-existing sweater, making it much larger than reality. However when I do the math I still can't figure out how I came up with 243 stitches.
Apollo dared to pretend it was a hoola hoop!

Good news: All is not lost. I've only knit 5.5 inches. (Boo!) Ripping it out (Argh!) will stop me from knitting needles stitches, creating a huge sweater and will of course reduce the time it takes to make this sucker.

Hahahahah! Oh, sorry. The pic killed me ;)
Awwww, that sounds really familiar. I can't wait to try this formula with "regular" yarn. I am, however, still really excited about the seamless sweater - the less sewing I have to do, the better!!!
I can't comment with my normal login, I'll have to post anonymous, dang it.... But it's Aimee!
Even with your EZ method you still had to FROG!!
I'll be sitting in the corner snickering evilly at your pain.
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