You're looking at the back side of one of Apollo's most favorite t-shirts. He did laundry this morning while I was working and didn't realize my red lipstick was in my pants pocket. (I've been looking all over for it!) Well, he found out too late and here it is. It looks like someone went OJ on his shirt!
Any suggestions on removing lipstick from a t-shirt? He's been pouting about it. I just heard him tell Big Mac, "Rayleen ruined my shirt." :)
I read that using hairspray on the stain and then washing with dish detergent should get it out. Haven't tested that theory myself, and it looks like an awful huge stain, but it's worth a shot.
did you dry it? if so, the stain may be set. when this kind of thing happens, don't put the item in a dryer!! you can try a decent dry cleaner. tell them what happened, and see if they think it's fixable. if you can save the shirt it'll be worth the $8 to clean it.i use to work at cleaners for over 20 years....stains are something i know about. and if anyone tries to tell you about home remedies, keep in mind that what doesn't work will most likely set in the stain...and now you have two stains to deal with!
What about bleach?
Apollo says he did put it in the dryer. He insists on doing laundry (I'm so lucky) and I keep warning him to check the pockets. I guess he learned his lesson this time.
Apollo says, "Big time" about learning his lesson. And he's definitely going to check pockets from now on.
Rayleen, If you are gonna try the hairspray thing, make sure it's an aerosol hairspray like AquaNet! I have done it before and it does work. Not sure if it will work on such a big stain or after it's been dried, I always caught it while I was still wearing the garment.
Wow, that picture freaked me out at first! I don't have any suggestions, I just wanted to tell you that the picture scared me. :D
*ghaw* I hate it when that happens
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