Monday, September 12, 2005

Secret Pal 5

Well, Secret Pal 5 has officially come to an end. Actually, I think the official end was Sept 1. I sent a package at the end of the month (I'm such a slacker) and a second small package from Amazon due to arrive tomorrow, or has possible already arrived. Package Tracking isn't working at Amazon's site. Anyway, I hope this was a good experience for my pal K. Anne. Faythe and I have been eagerly awaiting our pals from Secret Pal 6. Yes, we're that nerdy.

Speaking of nerdy (not really) here's some pics from work. Paul (L) really enjoys discussing the intricasies of customer service with Chad.

Er, I don't know why he always looks stunned when someone takes his picture. Like a bear in headlights. GET IT, A BEAR!! HAHHAHAHAHA! (ok, only those in the know get it. sorry)

Paul has a hard time really telling us how he feels. Come on Paul, let's not be shy!

Unfortunately, Paul moved to San Francisco. Bye Paul, it was nice working with you! Of course, you'll be telecommuting and I'll "see you" online often, but it's just not the same without you.

While I'm sharing pictures of people I love that work far away, here's my good friend Joel (rhymes with Noel). I just love her to death!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You were such a wonderful SP5 pal. I know whoever gets you for SP6 is going to be very lucky indeed!